If you're a cat owner or have spent time around feline friends, you may have encountered a peculiar behavior: cats pulling their own hair out. While it may seem bizarre and concerning, this behavior, known as over-grooming or excessive grooming, is not uncommon among cats. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind why cats engage in this behavior and what you can do to help your furry friend. Understanding Feline Over-Grooming Grooming is an instinctive behavior for cats. It serves multiple purposes, including keeping their fur clean, maintaining body temperature, and marking their territory with their scent. However, when grooming becomes excessive, it can result in hair loss, skin irritation, and even open sores. Several factors can contribute to this behavior: 1. Stress and Anxiety: Cats are sensitive creatures that can become stressed or anxious due to various factors, such as changes in their environment, new pets or people in the household, or even medical conditi...